CVHS Foundation 5 A’s Scholarships

The CVHS Staff is asked to select up to 5 seniors to receive a $300 scholarship from the CVHS Foundation. The selected students must represent the five A’s; Artistry, Attendance, Athletics, Academics and Attitude.

1. Artistry: a senior student who excels in artistry or has used their talent to serve their school or community.
2. Attendance: A senior who comes to your class on time and has excellent attendance, or someone who improved their attendance. It might also be a person who is here when they don’t have to, participating in after school events or community service.
3. Athletics: A senior who excels in sports and good sportsmanship.
4. Academics: A senior who excels academically. They work hard and they are conscientious. They are not afraid of rigor and they learn from their mistakes.
5. Attitude: A senior who has a positive attitude and exhibits Spartan pride. They care about school and community service.\


CVHS Foundation awarded five $300.00 scholarships for the 5’A of Excellence.  The Scholarship recipients were Alexis LLamas for Academics, Arianna Gutierrez-Gonzalez for Artistry, Gloria Sustaita for Athletics, Emily Fuller for Attendance and Joseph Fajardo for Attitude.