Christy Araki

Christy Araki-Counselor, Alum

Ms. Araki was an outstanding student and athlete while attending Chula. As a student, she excelled at all she attempted. That ‘CAN DO” attitude has served Chula Vista High and our students in her time here as a counselor. Somehow, like all of our counselors, she finds the time to motivate, support, and guide our students to be the very best they can be. She listens and then helps them make positive choices. She is always a voice for the students, and does whatever it takes to help make the student s more successful. She made Chula a better place as a student, and has continued to do so as a counselor. She is so valuable to our success.

Chula Vista High is “her” school and the students know she will support them. She finds a way. She is firm, fair, consistent, and they know she cares about them! What more could anyone ask for? We are lucky to have her.